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We have a large catalog of sermons that are accessible to you. Select a series below, for streaming audio there is a play button next to each sermon. 


This is a tool to provide the sermons of Open Door absolutely free of charge. If you desire to donate we invite you to do so using the Online Giving tool. 

Rightly Ordered Power
Rightly Ordered Sexuality
Run for Your Life
Sermon on the Mount
Sexuality Defiled: The Pain of Porneia
Sexuality: What about When
Sin Cycle
Single Sermons - 1
Single Sermons - 2 (not part of a series)
Small Kingdom/BIG Kingdom
Spiritual Abuse Conference
Spiritual Abuse Seminar
Spiritual Disciplines
Storm Calmers
Taming the Tongue
Ten Great Words for Life
The Deception Exposed
The Healing Miracles of Jesus
The King is Coming
The Kingdom
The Law That Jesus Loved
The Marks of False Leadership
The Miracles of Jesus
The Parables of Jesus
The Parables of Jesus - New
The Real Deal
The Value of Meaningful Relationships
The Way Out is Through
The Way of the Rabbi
The Ways of God that Reveal the Glory of God
Thy Kingdom Come
Tongues in Perspective
True Spiritual Leaders and Followers
Understanding the Holy Spirit
Walk by the Spirit
Walking in the Character and Power of God
What About Homosexuality?
What is the Matrix?
When the Foundations are Shaken
Who's Serving Who?
Wind and Waves
Women and Men
Women in Ministry
Worship and Word
Wounded by Shame, Healed by Grace

Church of the Open Door | 9060 Zanzibar Lane North | Maple Grove, MN 55311 | 763.416.5846 |

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